I'd like to say, that you're my only fear. And when I dream, it slowly disappears. And when I wake, I'm right here by your side; To feel your heart, beat in and out of time.
vintage beach road Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Leadership? Right.

So today, instead of school, I got "Makin' it Happen." Sounds riveting, doesn't it?

It actually wasn't bad. Leadership lessons, journaling...blah. But the people? I like 'em. Plus it looks good on a college resume, obviously.

I had fun, though. This is rather shocking, since at the last meetings I was completely antisocial and bored to tears. But today? I scared myself with how outgoing I was.

It was a good distraction. The entire day I went with barely a thought towards the whole thing. I felt...very relieved. Like all the stress of everything was gone. It felt good, but at the same time, afterwards I wished I had been thinking about it. Twisted? That's me, I suppose.

I'm making plans again. I feel really happy these past few days, and I think I'm attracting random people. I like this, like I have a glow about me. Sure, I have my bad moments. And when they're bad, they're really bad. But when I'm happy? I'm absolutely ecstatic. It's a bit random, really. Not a lot to provoke such extreme exuberance. Well, at least I'm happy. I shouldn't question it.

I've gained information about a lot. Everything that's going on was just made ten times more complicated. It makes me want to resist this so much more. At this point...I'm not sure if I can.

For some reason, all I'm after is your approval. Why? Not sure. But I won't feel complete until I have it without question. It's my new obsession. Add it to the list.

I'm cold. Seriously. My house is the North Pole.

Anyway. I seem a lot more chipper today, especially. Weird.

I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have contributed to my especially good mood. This post is starting to get dumb, so I'll be leaving now, happy and oh so confused.

"Into a place where thoughts can bloom, into a place where it's nine in the afternoon. And we know that it could be. And we know that it should."
-Panic! At the Disco

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