I'd like to say, that you're my only fear. And when I dream, it slowly disappears. And when I wake, I'm right here by your side; To feel your heart, beat in and out of time.
vintage beach road Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Okay, So...Where Were We?

That's right. The depths of my 11-year-old despair.

Bur before I get to that, I'd like to mention that with zero comments and 4 views which don't count considering two were from me and the other two were from Riley and my mom...well I'm getting a little discouraged. Oh well. Maybe I'll get a thousand views someday?!

Now I know blogs are supposed to be humorous, and I'll get there, I promise. I just want to share my story first. Okay so back to that playground...

I went home that day and my mom could not figure out what was wrong. I was always happy. Always. When I finally told her, well...let's just say I could tell she was planning something. But oh God, I did not anticipate what she was about to do one bit.

So at my elementary school, all if the lunch ladies were volunteer parents. Well, volunteer moms. One day, at lunch time, I walked over to the only table that had a seat open. Guess who was sitting there? Yeah, them.

So I sat down and smiled, opening my chocolate milk carton. At that moment, every single girl at that table got up and moved to the boys table. Of course my mom was watching, because of course it was Thursday, the only day she could volunteer.

As I watched her go over to that table, I realized what she meant to do. I immediately sank into myself staring intently at my food and furiously sipping my milk. That's when I heard it.

"Hello, ladies. Have you ever seen the movie 'Mean Girls?'"

One boy- "Yeah, that movie was wicked funny!"

Lead girl of the group- "I love that movie!"

Mom- "Well. You are those girls."

That's the last I remember of the conversation. I know it escalated to the point of tears. And I wanted nothing more at that moment than to disappear.

Our vice principal walked over, and all of us, including my mother, were ushered into the conference room.

Mom, Riley, and internet...Sorry to keep you hanging but I am taking Jamie to 7-11 for a good old Slurpee. Till tomorrow!

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